Friday, October 15, 2004


Long ago in a beautiful lush green area, somewhere around the Aral sea, or perhaps further north-east, a special baby boy was born. His mother Dughdova (milk-maid) and father Pourushaspa (one who has many horses), named their child ZARATHUSHTRA (keeper of camels).

Before ZARATHUSHTRA was born, his parents knew his importance through dreams that they both had. The parents knew that very special care was to be taken of their boy. The wise LORD AHURA MAZDA, guarded the mother and child, for he knew that one day this holy child would grow up and teach his people a new and better way of living, a new religion.

It is said that 3 days before ZARATHUSHTRA was born, a bright light appeared around the house in which his mother lived. Many people recognized the importance of this wonderful happening, but this made the wicked people jealous and unhappy.

All newly born babies cry, but we are told that ZARATHUSHTRA smiled when he was born, for he knew at that early age that AHURA MAZDA wanted his people to be happy and content.

Soon after his birth, the wicked people tried to kill him as they did not like the coming of this special child. They knew that when this child would grow up, he would teach his people how to live honest, happy and peaceful lives and this the wicked people did not like.

First they tried to burn the baby, but the wood did not catch fire. Next, the wicked people placed baby Zarathushtra in the midst of a running herd of cattle, and later amongst wild horses. But each time he was protected by MAZDA who made a bull and then a stallion stand over the baby, so that neither the cattle nor the horses could trample over him. However, God knew of the tricks that the wicked people would try to play and so protected the baby.

ZARATHUSHTRA grew up to be a very intelligent boy. It is said that he had some priestly training. As ZARATHUSHTRA grew older, he wanted to know more about Ahura Mazda the lord of wisdom.

He did not understand why some people were in pain, whilst others remained well and happy or why some people were wicked? As a young boy, he pondered over these questions for a long time but no answer came to him. At the age of twenty, in a confused state, he left his home in search of truth.

He wandered around the hills and valleys of his country searching for answers to his questions. Though he was confused he knew that one day lord would talk to him and give him all the right answers. He felt the presence of God around him and this made him feel very happy.

10 years later, at the age of 30, something very unusual and special happened to him. One morning, ZARATHUSHTRA went down to the river DAITYA to fetch water. When he waded into the waters, he saw a shining being standing on the other side of the river. Nervously ZARATHUSHTRA waded towards this figure and asked who he was. The bright shining being said that it was VOHU MANAH- THE GOOD MIND. God had sent vohu manah to bring ZARATHUSHTRA into his presence because ZARATHUSHTRA had been chosen by God to spread his message.

ZARATHUSHTRA wonderstruck saw God's own court and all the beings who help him in running our beautiful world. He understood that AHURA MAZDA made the world perfect and good, but it was AHRIMAN - the evil force, who had brought about disease, destruction and death in this world. He also understood that AHURA MAZDA'S creations would win victory over the forces of evil in the end. God told ZARATHUSHTRA to be his messenger. Zarathushtra learnt from God that good thoughts, good words and good deeds are the strongest weapons to fight evil.

Upon learning this, ZARATHUSHTRA waded out of the waters, extremely happy that God had spoken to him. He received many such messages from God.

Upto his 40th year, ZARATHUSHTRA had only one follower, his cousin MAIDHYOIMANHA. Although ZARATHUSHTRA wanted to share God's message with the others other people did not believe him as they thought that they were not strong enough to fight evil.

In his 42nd year, ZARATHUSHTRA'S message was heard by the good king VISHTASPA and queen HUTAOSA, who were wise and brave. We are told that one day king VISHTASPA'S favourite horse fell ill. The king became sad and tried all sorts of medicines to cure his horse, but to no avail. Then ZARATHUSHTRA who had been put in prison due to the jealousy of the courtiers, came to the king and offered to cure his horse. ZARATHUSHTRA succeeded in miraculously curing the king's favourite horse, but only after certain conditions were agreed upon. The main condition was that the king and his people should accept ZARATHUSHTRA'S message upon curing of the horse. King VISHTASPA thus became the first royal patron of Zarathushtra's new religion.

We are told that Zarathushtra had 6 children and when he was 77 years old, he was killed by an evil Turanian warrior whilst he was praying.

The message of God, through Zarathushtra, spread far and wide. This message became a religion which came to be known as ZORASTRIANISM. Zarathushtra taught for many years, spreading his teachings of truth and happiness for all.

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